Monday, January 7, 2013

The Year of Me

The older I become the more I don't like making New Year's resolutions. Inevitably, I don't keep them even when I try to make them really easy to achieve. My past resolutions are typically efforts to try to read more so I'll try to read X amount of books for the year.

This year, I thought I would skip the resolution and make a new initiative - do one thing a day that will make my life better. Maybe it is devoting one hour to a project that has been on the back-burner, spending 30 minutes doing yoga or just packing my lunch for the next day so I eat one less meal out.

Last year was a really rough year for me and I spent way too much time focusing on things other than myself. There were many days that I felt overwhelmed by life or just wasn't sure what to do to make things better. I felt like I was frequently just trying to get by and couldn't extend the effort to do anything other than commute, work and sleep.

As I 2013 approached, I was struggling with many of those same thoughts and worried about having another not so great year. I recently had an epiphany and realized that I need to be more proactive. The only control that I have in making 2013 a great year is by investing in myself and the things that make me happy.

I know that seems very obvious, but I needed to take the power back and worry less about the things that are outside of my control. This isn't about being selfish or ignoring my responsibilities, but I know that by making myself a priority I will be a happier person, a better wife and a better friend. I will be able to better take things in stride, have more balance and bounce back when things aren't going so well. 

I am going to make 2013 the year of ME! I hope that you will join me on my journey over the next twelve months and that you will take time to invest in yourself as well.

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